Physical & Health Education
Head of Department:
Ms Serene Ng
Subject Head:
Mr Muhammad Faizal Bin Mak Said
Department Vision
A Community of Individuals with a Love for Active Lifestyle and the Arts.
Department Mission
Develop learners to be healthy and competent movers, with an appreciation of the outdoors so as to enjoy lifelong healthy and active living.
Department Approach

The teaching of PE lessons follows the school’s 3I Approach for Teaching and Learning.
To make instructional lessons more engaging and authentic, PE lessons aims to have high physical activity time, and many hands-on opportunities through high ratio of student to equipment ratio. Teachers uses effective demonstrations to help students understand concepts and skills.
Through the many opportunities for interactive platforms such as pair/group work and team games, students also learn skills in a fun and engaging manner. These are also key platforms to instill values of collaborative learning in the students.
Inquiry-based learning in PE lessons are enhanced through MTV Routines and PE –Talk where Teachers use appropriate sports and games related language to enhance student’s knowledge of games and sports, so as to develop a life-long appreciation of physical activity.
Key Programmes / Activities / Events
Lower Primary Games Day
The Lower Primary Games Day coincides with the yearly celebration for Children's Day. On this day, the Primary 1, 2 and 3 get to go through games and activities that allow them to showcase the skills they had learnt during the PE lessons, such as ball control, dribbling, balance and agility skills! It is a day of celebration and fun!
Swim-Safer for Primary 3
For a term each year, Primary 3 students are offered the SwimSafer programme during curriculum time. Swimsafer is a national water safety programme, introduced by the National Water Safety Council (NWSC) since 2010. The programme equips participants with water survival and swimming competency skills. It is multi-levelled and therefore is suitable for students regardless of their level of swimming competencies. It is also a great time for students to learn independence and build bonds with their peers!
2D1N Primary 4 Camp – Camp L.E.A.D 1
The P4 Camp is about new experiences for students to develop their confidence, independence and teamwork. Through these outdoor and rugged activities, we hope students can discover their personal qualities and lead themselves. The lessons drawn from the meaningful and challenging activities will be beneficial to them during their developmental years.
3D2N Primary 5 Camp – Camp L.E.A.D 2
The P5 Camp is about independence, leading oneself and leading others. Through these outdoor and rugged activities, we hope that students can set goals and learn skills to overcome their fears so as to embrace challenges. These meaningful and age-appropriate challenges will better equip them with skills to handle stressful situations during their developmental years.
The National Physical Fitness Award/Assessment (NAPFA Test) is a standardised assessment of overall fitness for the general population, since 1982. Every year, the Primary 4 and Primary 6 students will take the test and they can strive for the Bronze, Silver or Gold award. Through the year, the students are exposed to the fitness items during PE lessons and also dedicated practice before the test.
Inter-class Games
We believe that playing sports together can build stronger bonds and enhance learning. At the end of each term, classes will get to experience structured recreational games in an inter-class or intra-class format. Through these games, the class' spirit and the student's game knowledge are also enhanced!
Annual Sports Day - Games On!
Our school believes in active sports participation and our annual Sports Day is Games On! It is a day where the Primary 4 to 6 students will participate in team sports and earn points for their TKP Houses. It is a day of Red, Blue, Yellow and Green as the students cheer and support their fellow peers. The TKP House mascot competition never fails to draw the loudest cheer from the spectators!
Learn for Life
Making the PE curriculum come to life during PE lessons! Equipping our students with skills for healthy and active living.

Embrace all Learners
Bringing swimming to all students in Primary 3 during the curriculum to ensure all have a chance to acquire this skill, at their own learning pace.

Enhance student well-being
Allowing many platforms for students to have collaborative and engaging learning, so as to make lessons come alive!