Head of Department:
Mrs Yeo Li Ling
Level Head:
Mr Jimmy Tan
Senior Teachers:
Mrs Tang Shu Fang and Mdm Nurhanin Bte Abdul Hamid
Department Vision
A community of critical thinkers and Innovative problem solvers.
Department Mission
To provide quality and varied Mathematics programmes to engage the students in the learning of Mathematics for real-life application.
Department Approach
The learning of Mathematics in TKP is based on the Singapore Mathematics Curriculum Framework and the three phases of learning-Readiness, Engagement and Mastery. Instructional lessons are conducted using the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract Approach by providing our students with opportunities to handle concrete manipulatives and solve word problems using the “RIGHT√” strategy. Teachers make use of Thinking routines and Maths Talk in classroom discussion in the inquiry-based learning of Mathematics concepts and skills.

Key Programmes / Activities / Events
Learn for Life
In TKP, we believe in creating opportunities for our students to develop key competencies that are important in the 21st century through Games and Coding.
Embrace all Learners
We believe that all our students can learn Mathematics and we need to provide differentiated support to cater to the different abilities of our students.
Learning Support for Mathematics (LSM)
The P1 and P2 LSM programmes are early intervention programme to help our lower primary students attain their relevant Mathematics age. The lessons are conducted by trained LSM teachers using MOE developed LSM lesson packages.
E2K (Maths) and Olympiad Programme
For our high-abilities students, we have the E2K (Maths) and Olympiad training to further develop their interest and abilities in more advanced Mathematics concepts. The E2K (Maths) Programme are conducted by our trained school teachers while the Olympiad Programme are conducted by external vendors.
Useful links
- (Online Math games)
- (Online Math games)